Residential Treatment Centers for Girls
Our Commitment
VPI is committed to providing individualized comprehensive services to children and adolescents who often have experienced complex developmental trauma. Our students, in response to their life experiences; can present with a constellation of adaptive mechanisms that have become distressing symptoms. These symptoms often present as self-harm, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, aggression, suicidality, as well as disordered eating. We believe the students who come to us deserve a safe and secure environment where they can find hope and healing.
Our programming affords children and adolescents the opportunity to make connections with others, to grow and discover their gifts, and realize their potential to thrive. We facilitate growth-promoting experiences through secure relationships that increase the student’s ability to self-regulate and manage their inner lives in order to optimize feelings of safety, confidence, and competency.
Virtual Tour
Our Committment
Our programming affords children and adolescents the opportunity to make connections with others, to grow and discover their gifts, and realize their potential to thrive. We facilitate growth-promoting experiences through secure relationships that increase the student’s ability to self-regulate.
To this end, our program provides customized therapeutic experiences in a nurturing environment promoting the best practices in trauma informed therapy and inclusive education.
Residential Treatment Centers for Girls
Clinical Services

Leads the team through collaboration and choice in establishing clinical service(s).

Family Therapy
Family Therapy options are available to the youth’s caregiver(s) within our milieu. Caregiving for children.
Our residential life experience is designed to create connection
Give students the time to be themselves and discover what they enjoy. Students can choose from a variety of activities such as : archery,trivia and movie nights, music lessons, arts and crafts.
While living with their dorm mates in residences, students learn how to accept themselves and others.
These residences have staff to student ratios of 1 to 3 and 1 to 4, respectively.
Admissions Request
Our purpose is providing a safe, supportive, structured, predictable environment for the children placed in our care.

To me to thrive means to go above and beyond, and I have, I have done things that I never thought I would.
Residential Treatment Centers for Girls
Approved Educational Program
During the school day, students are actively engaged in academic and elective programming.
This structure allows students to remain on task and active throughout the day.