Phase-based trauma informed care is not linear. Our services are purposefully designed along a continuum to treat an entire spectrum of trauma-related issues. Designed with safety and supervision in mind, our residences offer security and comfort in a home-like setting. Our continuum of care offers three levels of care which include Subacute/Enhanced Residential Treatment (ERT), Residential, and Comprehensive Assessment and Short-Term Treatment (CAST). Subacute and ERT residences are designed to provide the intensive support and attention required in the safety and stabilization phase of treatment. These programs offer the opportunity for education in self-contained classrooms should this be the most appropriate educational environment for the student. As treatment needs change and symptoms stabilize, youth can progress along the continuum of care where they continue to receive the support and attention needed for them to progress through trauma treatment at their own pace.

Residential Treatment Centers
VPI Residential Programs
VPI Residential Programs (Vermont School for Girls and New England School for Girls) provide academic, residential, social, behavioral, and therapeutic services to girls and individuals who are transgender, gender expansive, gender fluid and non-binary. Our programs are nestled in the Green Mountains of Southern Vermont offering our youth a balance of a culture-rich environment in a beautiful natural setting. This unique setting provides the opportunity to take advantage of the abundant natural and cultural resources through student engagement in elective, recreational and community programming.
Vermont Permanency Initiative
VPI serves students ages 11 up to 21 including those with special needs and exceptionalities such as emotional disturbance, intellectual disability, hearing loss, multi-disability, other health impairment, specific learning disability, and speech or language impairment. Our programming also addresses the needs of students who are coping with symptoms of anxiety, mood disorders such as depression and bi-polar disorder, deficits of attention and hyperactivity, disordered attachment, posttraumatic stress disorder and developmental trauma; including symptoms of dissociation, and oppositional defiant and conduct disorders. Our primary referral sources include: State Departments of Children, Youth and Families, Mental Health, and Juvenile Justice, and Local Education Agencies.
We offer self-contained classrooms as well as opportunities for students to move through classroom rotations in our expansive school building which is centrally located and in close proximity to elective opportunities. Our course of study is aligned with Common Core Standards and follows a standard curriculum including Middle and High School courses in Mathematics, Science, English and Social Studies. We offer small class sizes, differentiated instruction, specialized instruction in basic skill areas and other areas identified in Individual Education Plans such as adaptive behavior, self-regulation and executive functioning.
Our academic programming includes both academic and elective opportunities offering youth opportunities to express themselves, utilize their unique learning styles, and demonstrate mastery and competency across of a variety of indicators and educational outcomes. Related services include speech and language services, Title 1 services, and occupational therapy consultation.